Bible Reading: Isaiah 25:8, Hosea 13:14
1. Spend Quality time in Praise and Worship.
2. 1 king 13: 4 – Let every personality who speaks forth violent against me from demonic alters be smitten by the fire of my God.
3. Let every hand stretched forth against my life be dried up by the fire of my God.
4. Let the evil alters where hands pointed against me, and words are spoken against my life and my family be crushed by the thundering fire of my God. Read 1kings 13:5
5. Let every instruction issued out in the realm of the spirit to take my life or the life of any member of my father’s house; be overturned and their messengers destroyed in the name of Jesus.
6. Let every instrument of death fashioned against me and my family be made to fail. They shall not prosper against us in the name of Jesus.